Eid-ul-Adha 2k22

July 10, 2022. When I woke up from bed at dawn at first I forgot it was the day of Eid. The time when I was scrolling my timeline I noticed that my friends and family members have wished me. Then I came to notice that it was the day. Yes, it was Eid-ul-Adha, the day of sacrifices. Then I prepared myself for Eid salat and I along with my brother and father went for Eid salat.  After coming back we performed our qurbani in a very mannered way. I rode bike and roam a bit before this. Then I returned to my home and had my breakfast. Then I spent the day playing games or scrolling to Fb or Insta. I watched a series named "The Gone Game" which was really interesting. I took lunch with the newly cooked meat and it was really tremendous. The dazzling smell of those meats was really attractive.  Then I took some rest which gave me a new freshness. In the afternoon I prepared myself with new clothes and went outside to enjoy the day. I met my friends there and then we together roam around . We took pictures, went to Eid fair, then I met one of my friends with whom I went to Chikli park after evening. It was summer time and so we were sweating so much which was very irritating. The night view of the waterpark really amazed our mind. We took pictures there and took different rides which was quite enjoyable. After roaming the whole place we returned back our home. Then after being fresh I took rest and engaged myself in social media. Really it was a good day and alhamdulillah I was safe and enjoyed the moments very well.


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